Dear Brothers and Sisters:
As we begin this new year of 2021 and hope for increased blessings and healing from our troubles, I point you to new words of our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson. He is the mouthpiece of the Lord unto us. He has delivered a simple and beautiful message to give us hope and guidance. On the homepage of the Church’s website the link is entitled ‘Growing into the Principle of Revelation.’ I encourage you to read and ponder the truths that he teaches therein. Each of us needs to be connected with Heaven as we face not only trials and challenges, but also as we strive to serve and become more divine. God wants to give us revelation to help us personally and also help us bless others; Pres. Nelson clearly explains the pattern we should follow to obtain it.
May we be willing to surrender more of our agency to Father’s will that we may become more sanctified and more as His Son Jesus Christ. May God smile upon our efforts to be more righteous and faithful this coming day, week, month, and year.
Bishop Wagner