Donation of Tithes and Offerings

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This coming Sunday is Fast Sunday.  This is an important time to be faithful in the payment of our tithes and as generous as our circumstances allow in the payment of a fast offering.  It is, if needed. an appropriate time to supplement income from savings, trusting that the Lord will provide for the future.

President Thomas S. Monson said:

“The Lord’s storehouse includes the time, talents, skills, compassion, consecrated material, and financial means of faithful Church members. These resources are available to the bishop in assisting those in need.”

We are the Lord’s Storehouse for our ward/branch and stake, to give to and to receive from.  Family members living outside our stake have the Lord’s Storehouse available to them in their ward and stake.

If you have not already done so please take this time to set up online donations on your church member account.  The instructions to do so are below.  Ward clerks and myself should be contacted for help if needed.  You may also mail your donations to your bishop or branch president.  Please include a note in the mailed donations indicating amounts and donation categories (a donation slip/envelope is not needed during this time).  Mailed donations will be processed within three weeks.

Thank you for all you do, especially within the walls of your own home.

David Elliott

Stake Clerk

Set up for electronic donations:

1. Sign in to your account on

2. Go to (click on My Account and Ward, then click on Donations).

3. From the Donations menu at the left of the screen, choose Settings.

4. Scroll down to the Donation Account box and select Add Donation Account.

5. Add your preferred bank account type, routing number, and account number.

6. Authorize the change and click Save.