Sisters and Brothers,
The conference this weekend was filled with inspiration and guidance for the willing listener and I have been lifted by hearing the Prophets speak and seeing the fulfillment of prophecies of the Gospel filling the whole earth and the evidence of testimony in all nations, tongues and people. What a time to be a Latter-day Saint!
The North America Southwest Area has extended approval for the wards and branches to begin 2 hour Sunday sessions. This approval has certain expectations for members to fully participate. Each Bishop will consult with the Ward Council and make plans for when and how the re-opening may begin.
The criterion that allows us to open is the positivity rate in the county in which the church is located is below and stays below 5%. Bishops should use the attached links to make certain the positivity rate is below the 5% requirement. We are confident the Vaccinations and the numbers of members who have had the virus will keep the positivity rate low.
Please read the attached Document for further details.
I call you attention to the guidance regarding the wearing of face masks. The guidance “strongly recommending” their use has been modified directing that “face masks are worn.” I know that children are more difficult to persuade and leaders will be careful to accommodate the need of families. We will follow this guidance until it is lifted. The church has not directed that member be vaccinated but the prophet did demonstrate in a very public way that he was doing it. Each member will follow their individual conscience in receiving medical treatments. Having had Covid -19 before I was eligible to get the shot, I am glad that it is available and that we may avoid the virus in this way. It is a serious illness.
For a time we will continue to zoom Sacrament Meetings with the knowledge that this practice has a shelf life and will eventually be terminated. Other meeting may be zoomed under the direction of the Bishop and consultation with the ward Council.
Please do not feel pressured to return before you feel safe. Please do not miss the Balm of Gilead that is in the association with the Saints as soon as you do feel safe.
I trust in our Heavenly Father’s care and know that he will guide the dynamic evolution of His church to normalcy.
Please direct questions and concerns to your Bishop, Elders Quorum and Relief Society Presidents.
With much love,
President Bellows