Bishop Wagner

Greetings Brothers & Sisters!

As we enter the Christmas season in remembrance of the Wonderful Gift that is the Son of God, let us think on the true meaning of the season.  Let us remember those who have helped us over the years and think of ways we can turn about and help others.  Let us be less judgmental and more understanding.  Let us forgive and receive forgiveness in turn.  Let us sacrifice and graciously accept the sacrifices of others.  In short, let us follow Christ’s invitation to be a holier people, more focused on eternal truths and blessings and less so on the world.  As we do so, I know that we will feel greater peace, love, and joy – regardless of our circumstances or trials.  May Christ’s love fill ours hearts this month and beyond.

We are resuming Sacrament services this Sunday, Dec 6th at 10AM.  We are also resuming youth activities next week Wednesday at 7PM at the church (unless otherwise informed.)  We are still NOT having second hour classes nor primary functions.  We are still strongly encouraged to wear masks to church and to socially distance.  All are invited to attend services, however if you are in a risk category, we invite you to prayerfully consider whether in-person attendance or at-home worship is best for your situation.  Let the Holy Spirit guide.

We will have our Angel tree at church this Sunday.  If you are in a position to take a tag please do so.  If you have questions, you can ask Sis. Looney, Pres. Qualls, or myself.

We have one full-time missionary – Elder Robar – serving in the Spokane Washington mission.  We will send him a care package from the ward.  I invite all who wish to send him a Christmas card or letter to get these to me no later than Dec 15th.  I can then include them with the package.  I would especially invite our youth and primary children to write letters or make nice cards for him.  It means so much to a missionary to know that their ward is thinking about them.

Please check out the Church’s “Light the World” initiative on  This is a world-wide unifying endeavor to bring greater joy and peace to the world at large.  It is special to be a part of a simple, yet powerful endeavour.  Remember that through small things are great things brought to pass.

Let us remember the kind of people Christ asks us to become and strive to be more like Him.  Let us give to Him the gift of greater obedience and yield more of our agency to His will.

Merry Christmas and blessings be upon all of us!

Bishop Wagner