Letter to the Members of the Oklahoma City South Stake,
Brothers and Sisters,
Many of you have read the church communications regarding the possible opening of Sunday church meetings. The leaders of the church have indeed authorized us to begin the planning for this event. However, the exact starting date and times have not been determined for our stake.
The North America Southwest Area (NASW) Leadership is looking at the state and local government rules surrounding large gatherings to decide when and how to begin meetings. We anticipate beginning sometime in mid to late June. When we begin, our meeting size is likely to be small. This may result in two sacrament meeting sessions for a short time in each ward. We will communicate how this will be accomplished when we receive the go ahead from church leaders.
We invite all of the members to consider with tender feelings the love of Heavenly Father for his children. We as a stake have been blessed in an extraordinary way thus far. Infections have been very small, serious health consequences have been few.
Many members have health concerns that expose them at a higher level and risk than others. But they too have been protected and preserved. Others have experienced lost employment and other personal unknown challenges. The missionaries are serving in patience and perseverance. Many have been called home or reassigned.
But the work goes forward and so must we. We are grateful to live in a time of change and transition. We seek and find the peace and love of God in trials. We pray for you and trust the Lord to guide us through these things. The Lord told Joseph Smith, “My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high: thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” We believe this to be true and our very countenance reflects our faith.
We hope very soon to meet together to worship, covenant, learn, and testify. This is the Lord’s plan and we are his sons and daughters. In the meantime we will strengthen our love for Him by serving the best that we can. We will listen for the promptings of the Spirit then act to care for others. The Lord will open our eyes to see his hand in our lives.
Your fellow servants,
Oklahoma City South Stake Presidency
Jeffrey Bellows
Randy Widdison
Terry Davis