Temple Appointments

November 16, 2021


Oklahoma City South Stake


Dear Sisters and Brothers:


Re: Temple Appointments


We are so grateful that the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple has been open for all ordinances, although on a restricted capacity, since June 15, 2021.  In 2018 President Russell M. Nelson urged each of us “to make an appointment regularly with the Lord…to be in His holy house…then keep it with exactness and joy”.


Now we make appointments for the temple not only “with the Lord”, but with each other and with the temple workers who await to serve us.  This blesses each of us, especially those who come long distances, with the assurance that there will be a place for each of us when we come.  If you have not yet made an appointment online, we encourage you to do so.  With practice, appointments, online, can be made simply and quickly on your phone or computer.  If you need assistance, please ask your ministering brother or sister, a ward family history consultant, or any leader.


You may have heard that it is hard to get an appointment.  While this may be true for endowment sessions, there are many appointments for proxy sealing and initiatory sessions that go unfilled each day.  Even with endowment sessions, since the temple has opened in phase 3, on average 15 out of every 100 available appointments go unfilled, either because an appointment was not made or a patron who was not able to come and did not cancel the appointment.  We request those who can not fill an appointment to cancel it so it is available for use by another patron.  With this, we encourage members to keep checking the online reservations for open appointments.


As you are aware, the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple will be closed from December 5th, 2021 through January 24th, 2022 for extended maintenance.  The first day for appointments in 2022 will be Tuesday, January 25th, 2022.  Beginning December 5th, 2021 the appointment calendar will open for reservations for the end of January, February, March and April.


As we each plan ahead, all of us should be able to come to the temple regularly as President Nelson has encouraged us to do.  If at first you do not find an appointment for a time you desire, please keep checking.  Appointments open as members cancel online and unused appointment times reserved for own endowment patrons and their guests become available to other members of the Temple District.


Our prayer is that all of us will act on President Nelson’s repeated invitation to gather Israel on both sides of the veil.  As we do so, the Lord has promised that we will learn better how to access the endowment of His power that we receive only through temple ordinances and our service and worship there.




Jeffrey Bellows

Terry Davis

Devin Wilkes


Oklahoma City South Stake